Tips to prepare for cricket
Cricket is an old and noble sport played all over the world. Cricket equipment and the style of game are unique, though other sports share some similarities. It is played at the professional level and at competitive amateur levels. In competitive cricket there are some matches that last a whole day and others that go on over several days. But for those recreational players, who just want a little fun on the weekend, they can get together with others for a few friendly innings, or join a local league.
Even casual or weekend players will need the proper cricket equipment. They want to use the equipment that is correct for the sport and also meets their skill level. One of the most important pieces of cricket equipment is the ball. It should meet the same weight and size regulations as the balls used in professional matches, to get the most out of the game. And although cricket balls can seem expensive, it is a good investment. In recreational cricket you won’t have to follow the strict ball rules so you will probably be using your cricket ball more, so you will want the best that you can afford.
Another piece of cricket equipment is the bat. Professional players take great care selecting a bat and will often have them handmade to their personal specifications. Even competitive amateurs will invest in their bat. Casual or local league players may each have their own bat and there are many good, affordable cricket bats on the market. They should find the best bat for their skills and abilities, and one that fits their style. All cricket bats should be properly cared for and this includes knocking them in, if they are not pre-knocked, and storing them correctly when not in use.
Most of the remaining cricket equipment will most likely be purchased as a group, as each individual player doesn’t need to own their own wicket and bails. So the local league, or a group of players, can join and purchase the field equipment together. Or if they play at a local cricket field, the equipment may be available for use or rental. The protective gear is very important for the safety of the players, so this cricket equipment must be obtained. All protective pads, mitts and helmets should be available and used no matter how casual the match is, because cricket balls are hard and they can be deadly.
Once a group or league has assembled their cricket equipment, the final decision is where to store it when not in use. You want your gear in a safe, clean place where it will not be damaged or stolen. This may be a locked shed or in one of the member’s homes. The important criteria when choosing is that it is safe and it is accessible. This equipment is an investment and should last. You want it in a place easily accessible, so when it is time to get up for a match everything is ready to go.
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