Investment Tips (Priority wise)
It’s actually very difficult to write an article before understanding particular need or risk appetite. Still if you go through this generalize article It will definitely help.
Following should be priority in terms of investment. That means if you have invested in point 1 and have additional fund invest in point 2.
1. Put of 3/4 times of your monthly expense in savings account in bank for exigencies.
2. Purchase a Life Insurance for earning member of family. Preferred is term plan.
3. You get a Medi-claim for all your family members. Beacuse of costly medical treatment get sufficient cover.
4. Investing in debt like PPT, NSC, KVP, Govt. Securities, debt MF etc. PPF is better option
5. Invest through SIP in equity MF. It is one of the best way where you do not try to time market but invest at average price.
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6. Invest in Diversified equity mutual fund. Please select fund by it’s past performance.
7. Invest in sector specific Mutual Fund. this is high risk and high return. because you are dependent on particular sector.
8. Invest directly in stock Market. You need to have enough money, time and knowledge to do this.
9. Invest in commodity (Gold, Silver, Etc.).
10. Invest in Real estate / property. understand that this will be highly illiquid investment.
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